Skadar Lake Trekking

Skadar Lake Trekking

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Our walking tours and hiking trips will immerse you in the culture and natural beauty of the place.

Good morning !

C'est beau l'amour:)

Then time for swimming:)

Time for hiking:)

Timeline Photos

Natural pools in the Poseljani's river

Timeline Photos

Like in a dream...

Poseljani fishing village is so beautiful...

Flying dalmatian Pelikans near Poseljani

Dalmatian Pelikans

Fish breakfast for Kormorans and Pelikans

Bird's party on Poseljani route:)

Dalmatian Pelikans

Dalmatian Pelikans

Dalmatian Pelikans taking off...

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Fisherman in the very morning on Skadar Lake

After boat cruising, hiking time from Poseljani to Virpazar

From Poseljani to Virpazar

Boat Cruising from Virpazar to Poseljani fishing village. It was Pelikan's party:)

Morning Boat Crusing on Skadar Lake and Moraca river

Morning Boat Crusing on Skadar Lake and Moraca river

Call for swimming:)

Dupilo waterfall

Dupilo Valley Trail

Dupilo Valley Trail

Sample of what you can see around Skadar Lake...


Proljećni kamp / Spring camp, Crna Gora - Montenegro Film je o Proljećnom kampu koji je prvi put organizovan prošle 2014 godine, aprila mjeseca na tri lokaci...

[06/13/15]   Did you know that about Skadar Lake ? :

- With the size of 391 km2, it is the largest lake on the Balkan Peninsula.
- It is 44 km long, and widest at 13km.
- Free flowing water makes up about 91% of the lake, while shallow waters under vegetation make up 9% of the lake
- Two thirds of the lake belongs to Montenegro, while one third belongs to the Republic of Albania.
- The Montenegrin part of the lake, at a size of 40000 hectares, was declared a National Park in 1983.
- The lake is only a short 20 minute drive away from the Adriatic Sea
- The lake is a crypto depression, which means that in some parts the bottom of the lake is bellow sea level.
- The flora of the Skadar Lake contains many Mediterranean and continental species. The flora includes more then 25 rare and endangered species among which is the Skadar dub and water chestnut.
- The Skadar Lake has 930 types of algy in all their forms. From this number 246 are new types of algy, and 135 are very rare in the entire world.
- The lake is the largest lake reserve in Europe with more then 50 types of fish can be found predominantly types of carp and bleak.
- The Skadar Lake is a habitat for 280 species of birds some of which are on the list of endangered species. 73 species are the nesting migrant types, 18 conventional migrants, 45 are winter guests and 12 species spend the summer for nesting purposes.
- Endangered species include the Dalmatian Pelikan and the Black Ibis.
- The lakes locations, directly in the zone where great zoo-geographical regions (arctic, Mediterranean and northern Africa) merge, is perfect for migration, with its average water temperature in the summer at 22 C°.
- This exceptional fertility and development of the Skadar Lake ecosystem is a direct result of the clean water and preserved natural ambient.

Les derniers Pélicans frisés d'Europe sont bien la !

Fisherman in the morning on Skadar Lake

[06/13/15]   Le saviez-vous ? :

- Le Lac Skadar est le plus grand lac des Balkans (400 km2).
- Il mesure 44 km de long et 13 km de large et compte de nombreux ilots.
- Sa profondeur moyenne est de 6 mètres mais elle peut atteindre les 60 mètres.
- 2/3 du lac se situe au Monténégro, 1/3 en Albanie.
- 91 % du lac est constitué d’eau libre, 9 % d’eaux marécageuses.
- Son affluent principal est la Moraca, secondée par de nombreuses rivières et sources souterraines.
- Ses eaux rejoignent la mer Adriatique par la rivière Bojana.
- C'est une des plus grandes réserves aviaires d'Europe avec plus de 280 espèces d'oiseaux, dont 73 migratoires, parmi elles les derniers pélicans frisés (ou de Dalmatie) du continent.
- Le lac de Skadar est un lieu de passage important pour de nombreux oiseaux qui migrent entre l’Europe et l’Afrique.
- On dénombre dans les eaux du lac 48 espèces de poissons comme la carpe commune, l’ablette, l’anguille d'Europe, le chevesne et le mugil cephalus.
- On trouve également de nombreux insectes comme la fourmi rouge, le lucane cerf-volant, et le machaon.
- Les mammifères sont représentés par la musaraigne aquatique européenne, le campagnol terrestre, la loutre d'Europe, l’écureuil roux, le loup et le renard roux.
- Les dernières études scientifiques ont listé 930 espèces d’algues dans le lac.
- On trouve également à la surface des eaux le nénuphar jaune, le nénuphar blanc et le potamot nageant.
- La forêt avoisinante du lac est composée de charmes, de châtaigniers, de chênes et d’aulnes.

C'est ce qu'on appelle : Se la couler douce...

Morning boat cruising / bird-watching

[06/06/15]   Free tour for Thomas Viellard as soon as he comes
to Montenegro! :)

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Wild Goat Montenegro Wild Goat Montenegro
Skadar Lake
Virpazar, 81305

Wild Goat Montenegro offers outdoor activities all around Montenegro. Canoe - hike - off road - wild camp

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